
Tuesday 30 June 2020

Bones & Skeletons

Last week in science our topic was bones and skeletons. As well as watching clips and finding out information we got to look at a fake skeleton and see all of the different bones.

I recently just found out that the longest bone is in our leg and the smallest is inside our ear. The fact that bones are actually alive and decrease as we grow makes me feel quite uncomfortable. Other than that bones are helpful because they hold our body up and make us not look sluggish.

Monday 29 June 2020

Ruapotaka's Birthday

Last Friday we celebrated Ruapotaka's 66th birthday. Ruapotaka's birthday is actually on Sunday but we chose to celebrate on Friday. Our principal decided that since everybody couldn't cut the cake together, the oldest and youngest student should do it.

The cake was delicious, a chocolate cake covered in blue icing and sprinkles just sounds incredible. The cake was blue to match our school!!

Thursday 18 June 2020

Making A Circuit X2

For our 5th topic we were making a bit more advanced circuit. This time we were using a voltmeter and a switch to see how high the energy was. It was quite confusing at first because we had so many wires so honestly I just improvised. Getting the switch and voltmeter to work was definitely the hardest part to get right. I had to rearrange wires this way and that way for it to finally work. 

Everybody then had to draw a diagram of their circuit with the amount of wires they used, personally mine looked decent. 

Monday 15 June 2020

War In Waihi

My reading group Apples read an article called "War in Waihi". The article was about the Martha Mine and the bad things that happened. 

The workers suggested since they couldn't work they wanted to go on strike, they were tired of not getting enough money. Months and months went until the new government decided to take action. Some people of the town agreed, the men work hard yet they barely get paid enough. 

Around September 1912 the war slowly started to begin, over sixty strikers were taken to prison and police would always be looking around on the streets. Then on a random day a group with police starting shooting and some men got hurt. 

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Saving Energy 🔌

This week's topic was about saving energy, we had to list things and places that use quite a lot of energy. Our list included phones, malls, the airport and the hospital too. For our experiment we had to make a bulb light up using two wires, a battery and a bulb circuit. I learnt that for the bulb to light up you have to put the positive wire with the negative. 

Once we completed our experiment we watched a clip  about how we can decrease our use of energy, in the video it talked about how heat rise from global warming can destroy earth and people should carpool to use less energy! 

As we know Thomas Edison was the first person to create a light bulb, but over the years people have made other less energy using versions like the LED. The LED uses 85% less energy and can last 15 years or longer!!

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Creative Minds

Most of us kiwi's are able to DIY a lot of random items and transform them into beautiful things. I mean like we did come up with pavlova and some other incredible ideas!! I don't know how but we are just good at coming up with solutions in bad situations, kiwi kids have a huge imagination.

A 15 year old boy named Stanley made his own mountain bike course because biking is what he loves to do and he always has fun doing it. Since he couldn't really go out during lockdown he decided he would make his own personal course. Overall it's small and simple but looks fun to try out, this is what Stanley created!!

Friday 5 June 2020

Volleyball !!

Today we had our first lesson for volleyball, our coach's name was Elena. Our  focus was on setting the ball. When you hear about setting in volley it sounds easy but honestly it's not. You have to have you hands and fingers in the right placement and try push the ball high into the air without using your palms. 

After we did some drills and warm ups we split into teams and started playing king of the court. During king of the court you just play normal volleyball and see who wins, then the winners verse each other and whoever wins become the king of the court!! For our first match playing king of the court my team won, but I showed sportsmanship by saying good game and not rubbing it in everyone's faces.

Thursday 4 June 2020


Our focus for our class yesterday was to do with earthworms. We discussed what the worms do for our garden and how they give nutrients. Mrs Sharma then gave us about 4-5 worms to look at, we had to write about how they behaved outside of the dirt and measure their size.

Before we took a look at the earthworms we watched a video and had to write down at least 5 new words we learnt. In the video there was a girl named Emma, she said that finding earthworms were her passion. A life hack she gave was, if you mix mustard powder and water then put it in the soil the earthworms's skin gets irritated and they rise to the surface.